Call For Proposals To Host An English Language Fellow For 2008-2009
The Public Affairs Section at the Embassy of the United States of America in Jakarta builds bilateral mutual understanding through its information, educational, and cultural programs. One of our most important goals is to help th e Indonesian education sector improve its management, instruction, and institutional infrastructure. A key support for these educa tional programs in the area of Eng lish language instruction is the Regional English Language Off ice (RELO).
This year we again invite Indonesian institutions of higher learning to submit proposa ls for hosting an English Language Fellow (ELF), an American academic in the field of English language teaching, for a 10-mon th assignment to assist in developing and improving th e institution’s English language programs.
The English Language Fellows have MA degrees in TEFL/THSL or a related fie ld as well as previous overseas experience in teaching and teacher training. They generally engage in classroom teaching (not exceeding 20 hours/week) in addition to workshops/seminars for professional staff enhancement and extracurricular projects, such as English Clubs and ma terials development.
The program will run from early September 2008 until late June 2009. The Fellows are assigned through a competitive selection process based on proposals submitted by interested institutions no later than November 30, 2007- The proposals wi ll be reviewed by the Embassy selections committee in December 2007, and 8-10 proposals will be approved for Indonesia. Please note that submitting a proposal is an indication of the institution’s interest in participating in the program, but it is not a guarantee that the institution will receive a Fellow. In the current year, approximately 25% of the proposals were approved.
Only proposals that are comp lete, meet the deadline, and foilow the proposal guidelines below wil l be given serious consid eration. All proposals must be received in the Regional English Language Office byclose of business on Novemb er 30, 2007.Proposals may be delivered, faxed, or e-mailed to the RELO. The contact information is provided below.
The U.S. Embassy will cover the major costs of the program, including round-trip airfare from the U.S. to the designated Indonesian city, a 10-month stipend or salary for the Fel low, health insurance, a small cost of living allowance to assist with housing and other living expenses, a sma ll professional materials allowance, and a miscellaneous allowance to assist with pre-departure costs.
The Embassy requests some cost-sharing on the part of the host institution, which may be in-kind contributions. In previous years, host institutions have covered the costs for housing, including the rent (or partial rent) and have provided the house (or apartment) with a hot water tank for th e shower , a western-style toilet, an air conditioner in the bedroom, a refrigera tor and small stove in the kitchen, an Aqua Water dispenser, a working telephone, and adequate furniture for the house. The Fellow would be responsib le for paying the electric, water, gas, and telephone bills for the house and the cos ts for a housekeeper during his or her 10-month stay. The Embassy would also expect the institution to provide the Fellow of fice space, a d esk and chair, a computer with Internet access, a telephone, and a bookcase. This does not need to be a private off ice.
The application form is attached, or for soft copy you can email to
Please s end proposals by post, fax, or e-mail to the following:
Kun Herrini, RELO Assistant
RELO Resource Center
Gedung Balai Pustaka, 6th Fl.
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya, No. 4
Jakarta 10720
We look forward to receiving your proposals and hope that you wil l be able to participate in our English Language Fellows Program.
Sincerely yours,
Michael E. Rudder,PhD
Regional English Language Off icer
U.S. Embassy, Jakarta